12 Popular Types of Videos Businesses Should Have Right Now

Did you know that 88% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service based on a video?

This, like many of the recent video marketing statistics that are coming out, shows that video marketing is not only here to stay but is an important part of any marketing strategy.

The question now is not “Should my business do video marketing?” It’s “what videos should my business make for our video marketing campaign?”

Videos are also excellent marketing tools to incorporate into your trade show marketing strategy.

To help you get started, here are the 12 most popular types of business videos every company should have.

1. Interview Leadership

One of the best videos for business every company should make is to interview their leadership.

This is especially important if you are in B2B marketing. Leadership interviews help build trust in your company by showcasing the knowledge and background of your leaders.

They also humanize your company and your brand. Leadership interviews can also be a great way to establish and build relationships in your industry. It’s also a great way to set your leadership up to be industry influencers.

Events, like trade shows, offer an excellent background to interview your leadership. It shows they are very active in the industry and in the face of the public.

Video camera capturing video of a man standing in his office.

2. Showcase Company Culture And Mission

Another one of the best business videos to make is to share your company culture and mission.

Company culture videos not only serve as great marketing tools but as recruiting tools as well. They help build trust by offering an effective way for people to better understand why you do what you do.

3. Introduce Your Company

A great way to help people learn more about your business is with a company introduction video.

You can showcase your facility, processes, and team. The more people know about your company, the more confident they will feel doing business with you.

Company introduction videos are excellent to show at trade shows and corporate events. They’ll draw in booth visitors and help guests learn more about your offerings.

4. Share Client Testimonials

Nothing builds more trust in a brand than testimony from a customer.

People usually only endorse products that they truly believe in. So testimonials are an effective selling tool. In fact, 72% of people say that testimonials increase their trust in a brand.

Testimonials also drive traffic to your website and increase your conversion rates.

A great time to collect reviews and testimonials is at trade shows when you see all your clients and business partners.

5. How-Tos And Explainer Videos

How-tos and explainer videos are some of the most popular videos online. They are helpful videos that help people understand how to use your products and services.

Explainer videos can also be used to explain any interesting or complex aspect of your business succinctly.

They can both drive more interest in your products and services and help retain customers and are also great to display at trade shows and events to help inform booth visitors about your offerings,.

6. Demonstrate Your Products And Services

Another great video to show off your products and services is a demo video. Demo videos are great because you can demonstrate the utility of your products and services with real-world examples.

Demo videos help customers understand the benefits of using them in their lives. They’re also a great way to showcase your differentiating features.

Trade shows are an excellent place to film a product demonstration. You can even film it in front of a live audience.

Woman watching a video presentation on her laptop.

7. Create Employee Training Videos

Employee training videos are a great way to help streamline your training processes and serve a dual purpose.

Video is a really engaging way to teach new employees about your internal processes. The best part about training videos is with clever editing, you can take clips and make shorter promo videos. Y

ou can then upload these clips on social media and use them to promote your brand.

Videos get 48% more views than other content on social media.

8. Promote New Products

If you’re launching a new product, the best way to get the word out now is with a video.

You can capture attention and interest in the product or service. Then highlight all the cool features and all the amazing benefits clients will enjoy.

New product videos can drive traffic to your website, increase your conversion rates, and help you make a splash in the market.

If you plan on launching your new product at an industry event, make sure to have a videographer there to capture it all.

9. Provide A Case Study

Case studies videos are an excellent way for businesses to showcase the efficacy of their products and services.

They can also help customers see that your products and services help people with similar pain points. Thus, they can help with their pain points as well.

Case studies also show subject-matter authority and industry leadership.

10. Host A Webinar

If you are looking for leads, you definitely want to consider a webinar. 73% of B2B marketers say that webinars are the best way to generate quality leads.

Webinars are informative presentations presented as videos.

They are typically presented live to an audience. However, by screen recording the live presentation, also called “screencasting,” you can also use them again and again. You can also just skip the live and offer downloadable webinars.

11. Answer Your Most FAQs

Answering FAQs is a great way to create engaging business videos your customers will want to watch. You can address their questions individually or one at a time in a video series.

It’s also a great way to show off your processes, build trust, and create personal connections with your customers.

People sitting at tables during a trade show conference presentation.

12. Recap Events Like Trade Shows And Conferences

Events like trade shows and conferences are an optimal time to film videos. You’ll be with your customers to record testimonials.

They provide a great background for leadership interviews. All of your marketing assets and branding are on display, providing a perfect background for almost all of these videos.

Further, capturing the event itself is engaging content for others in your industry, perfect for B2B companies. Event videos also show that you are a real player in the market.

How To Make A Video For Your Business

Wondering how to make a video for business purposes? You’ll need to start with the right equipment.

Unfortunately, not every business has high-quality video equipment like video cameras, microphones, and video editing software. Nor do many have the budget to invest in them.

Hiring a third-party video company will help you create these videos for less. Even if your company does have all this equipment, lugging it out to trade shows in Las Vegas can be a costly and risky endeavor.

Instead, working with a video company like Expo Ease can help you capture the event with less hassle and stress.

At Expo Ease, we specialize in making your Las Vegas corporate events like trade shows and industry conferences memorable.

We can also help you capture these memories with our event videography services. We’ll capture high-definition video, edit for a compelling story, and even offer special effects like picture-in-picture or audio special effects.

Add branding elements like watermarks gives your video a protected and professional touch. Contact us now to schedule our videographers for your next event.

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Peter Frigeri

Horticulturist. Entrepreneur. Eco-adventurer. Peter Frigeri has been innovating in business since he moved to Las Vegas in 1991 to run trade show operations for Showtime Florists. Just a couple years later, he went out on his own, founding Falcon Floral, and within five years, he evolved that business into Expo Ease. In 2000 he took advantage of technological innovations to expand his company to offer a full suite of event services, from show decor to photography marketing. Meanwhile, in 2009, Peter launched his third business, Gaia Flowers Plants Gifts. With a focus on local and sustainably-grown products, Gaia is also a full-service company, with services ranging from event floral, delivery to commercial plant maintenance. And as if that weren’t enough, Peter is an officer on the boards of two local nonprofits, Great Basin Permaculture and Friends of Gold Butte. In both his personal and professional lives, Peter does everything he can to fight for the preservation of the Earth and its resources, so that his children and grandchildren can enjoy its bounty as much as he does.

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